Imports EnvDTE |
Imports System |
Imports System.Diagnostics |
Imports System.Windows.Forms |
Imports System.Collections.Generic |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
'FILE DESCRIPTION: scheib.vb Vincent Scheib's macros |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Public Module scheib |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentBars() |
'DESCRIPTION: Creates a comment block |
Dim Descr As String |
Descr = "//---------------------------------------------------------------------------" + vbLf |
ActiveDocument.Selection().text = Descr |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentPrefix(ByVal StrPrefix) |
'DESCRIPTION: Inserts this text at the cursor, or if there is a selection, prefixes lines with it. |
'By Vincent Scheib |
Dim win |
win = ActiveWindow |
If win.Kind <> "Document" Then |
MsgBox("This macro can only be run when a text editor window is active.") |
Else |
If Len(ActiveDocument.Selection().text) = 0 Then |
'Insert the text here |
ActiveDocument.Selection().text = StrPrefix |
Else |
'Prefix lines with text |
Dim StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopPoint.Line |
Dim EndLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomPoint.Line |
Dim i |
For i = StartLine To EndLine |
ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(i) |
ActiveDocument.Selection().text = StrPrefix + ActiveDocument.Selection().text |
Next |
End If |
End If |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentVES() |
InsertCommentPrefix("//VES: ") |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentX() |
InsertCommentPrefix("//VES:X ") |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentBang() |
InsertCommentPrefix("//VES:! ") |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentDebug() |
InsertCommentPrefix("//VES:DEBUG ") |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertCommentTodo() |
InsertCommentPrefix("//TODO vscheib ") |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub InsertDate() |
Dim ThisMonth As String |
Dim ThisDate As String |
Select Case Month(Now()) |
Case 1 : ThisMonth = "January" |
Case 2 : ThisMonth = "February" |
Case 3 : ThisMonth = "March" |
Case 4 : ThisMonth = "April" |
Case 5 : ThisMonth = "May" |
Case 6 : ThisMonth = "June" |
Case 7 : ThisMonth = "July" |
Case 8 : ThisMonth = "August" |
Case 9 : ThisMonth = "September" |
Case 10 : ThisMonth = "October" |
Case 11 : ThisMonth = "November" |
Case 12 : ThisMonth = "December" |
End Select |
ThisDate = ThisMonth + " " & Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Day(Now) & " " & Year(Now()) |
ActiveDocument.Selection().text = ThisDate |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub FindActiveFileInSolution() |
'DESCRIPTION: Highlights the currently active document in the solution explorer (toggles file tracking on then off) |
'Get a reference to the Command window. |
Dim win As EnvDTE.Window = DTE.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindCommandWindow) |
Dim CW As EnvDTE.CommandWindow = win.Object |
Dim TheStatusBar As EnvDTE.StatusBar = DTE.StatusBar |
Try |
'Input a command into the Command window and execute it. |
CW.SendInput("View.TrackActivityinSolutionExplorer true", True) |
CW.SendInput("View.TrackActivityinSolutionExplorer false", True) |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Found." |
Catch |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Failed. Check that a document active and selected..." |
TheStatusBar.Highlight(True) |
End Try |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
'Sub FindNextLongLine(ByVal bStartAtTop As Boolean = False) |
Sub FindNextLongLine(Optional ByVal bStartAtTop As Boolean = False) |
'DESCRIPTION: Finds next line down from cursor that is too long. |
'By Vincent Scheib |
'CONFIGURE: set the maximum line length |
Dim iMaxLength = 79 |
Dim win |
win = ActiveWindow |
If win.Kind <> "Document" Then |
MsgBox("This macro can only be run when a text editor window is active.") |
Else |
' Setup status bar |
Dim TheStatusBar As EnvDTE.StatusBar = DTE.StatusBar |
Dim StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopPoint.Line |
Dim iLine |
If bStartAtTop Then |
iLine = 1 |
Else |
iLine = StartLine |
End If |
Do |
Try ' Try moving to next line |
ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(iLine) |
Catch |
' We have reached end of document |
ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(StartLine) |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Did not find a line too long." |
TheStatusBar.Highlight(True) |
Exit Do |
End Try |
Dim length = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopPoint.LineLength |
If (length > iMaxLength) Then |
ActiveDocument.Selection.SelectLine() |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Line " + iLine.ToString() + " length: " + length.ToString() |
Exit Do |
End If |
iLine = iLine + 1 |
Loop |
End If |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub FindFirstLongLine() |
'DESCRIPTION: Finds first line in a document that is too long. |
'By Vincent Scheib |
FindNextLongLine(True) |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub ShowDebugWindows() |
'DESCRIPTION: Opens commonly used debug windows |
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Debug.Watch") |
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Debug.Locals") |
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Debug.Autos") |
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Debug.Threads") |
DTE.ExecuteCommand("View.Output") |
End Sub |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Dim ClipboardString As String |
Sub CopyFilenameToClipboard() |
'DESCRIPTION: Copies the selected solution item or active file's pathname to the windows clipboard |
'By Vincent Scheib |
Dim names As List(Of String) = GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
If (names.Count >= 1) Then |
ClipboardString = names(0) |
Else |
ClipboardString = ActiveDocument.FullName |
End If |
Dim ClipBoardThread As System.Threading.Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf _CopyToClipboard_ThreadProcedure) |
With ClipBoardThread |
.ApartmentState = System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA |
.IsBackground = True |
.Start() |
'-- Wait for copy to happen |
.Join() |
End With |
ClipBoardThread = Nothing |
' Setup status bar |
Dim TheStatusBar As EnvDTE.StatusBar = DTE.StatusBar |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Copied active document filename to clipboard." |
TheStatusBar.Highlight(True) |
End Sub |
Sub _CopyToClipboard_ThreadProcedure() |
System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(ClipboardString, True) |
End Sub |
Sub P4add() |
'DESCRIPTION: Adds active document or selected solution items to perforce |
For Each name As String In GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
Shell("cmd /c (p4 add """ + name + """ ) & (pause)", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus) |
Next |
End Sub |
Sub P4revert() |
'DESCRIPTION: Reverts active document or selected solution items in perforce |
For Each name As String In GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
Shell("cmd /c (p4 revert """ + name + """ ) & (pause)", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus) |
Next |
End Sub |
Sub P4delete() |
'DESCRIPTION: Deletes active document or selected solution items in perforce |
For Each name As String In GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
Shell("cmd /c (p4 delete """ + name + """ ) & (pause)", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus) |
Next |
End Sub |
Sub P4edit() |
'DESCRIPTION: Opens active document or selected solution items for edit in perforce |
For Each name As String In GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
Shell("cmd /c (p4 edit """ + name + """ ) & (pause)", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus) |
Next |
End Sub |
Sub P4diff() |
'DESCRIPTION: Diffs active document or selected solution items in perforce |
For Each name As String In GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
Shell("cmd /c (p4 diff """ + name + """ ) & (pause)", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus) |
Next |
End Sub |
Sub P4history() |
'DESCRIPTION: Displays history of active document or selected solution items in perforce |
For Each name As String In GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() |
Shell("cmd /c (p4win -H """ + name + """ )", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus) |
' pause not performed on this command because it will never return useful error text. |
Next |
End Sub |
Function GetSelectedSolutionItemFilenames() As List(Of String) |
Dim names As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) |
For Each selectedItem As EnvDTE.SelectedItem In DTE.SelectedItems |
Dim Found = False |
Try ' to get project filename |
If Not names.Contains(selectedItem.Project.FullName) Then |
names.Add(selectedItem.Project.FullName) |
End If |
Found = True |
Catch |
Try ' to get project items filenames |
For i As Short = 1 To selectedItem.ProjectItem.FileCount() |
If (selectedItem.ProjectItem.FileNames(i).Length > 0) Then |
If Not names.Contains(selectedItem.ProjectItem.FileNames(i)) Then |
names.Add(selectedItem.ProjectItem.FileNames(i)) |
End If |
Found = True |
End If |
Next i |
Catch |
End Try |
End Try |
If Not Found Then |
' Determine if solution is selected and get filename. |
If DTE.Solution.FullName.Contains(selectedItem.Name + ".sln") Then |
If Not names.Contains(DTE.Solution.FullName) Then |
names.Add(DTE.Solution.FullName) |
End If |
End If |
End If |
Next |
If names.Count = 0 Then |
MsgBox("No active document or selcted items. Try turning on the following option:" + vbLf + vbLf + "Tools->Options->Environment->Documents->Show Miscelaneous Files in Solution Explorer") |
End If |
Return names |
End Function |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Sub HeaderFlip() |
'DESCRIPTION: Flips between .h .cpp ... files |
'By Vincent Scheib |
'Searches open documents, the solution file list, and files on disk |
'CONFIGURE: add extensions to flip between here, in the order to flip |
Dim extensions() As String |
Dim extensionsCpp() As String = {".h", ".inc", ".inl", ".hpp", ".cpp"} |
Dim extensionsCs() As String = {".designer.cs", ".cs", ".resx"} ' prefer longer extention match |
' Setup status bar |
Dim TheStatusBar As EnvDTE.StatusBar = DTE.StatusBar |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Searching for a header flip..." |
Dim numExtensionsCpp = extensionsCpp.GetLength(0) |
Dim numExtensionsCs = extensionsCs.GetLength(0) |
Dim activeDoc = ActiveDocument.Name |
Dim activePath = ActiveDocument.Path |
' Determine current extension |
Dim indexForActiveFileExtension As Integer = -1 |
' Check Cpp |
For I As Integer = 0 To numExtensionsCpp - 1 |
Dim extension = extensionsCpp(I) |
If InStr(activeDoc, extensionsCpp(I)) Then |
indexForActiveFileExtension = I |
extensions = extensionsCpp |
Exit For |
End If |
Next |
' Check Cs |
For I As Integer = 0 To numExtensionsCs - 1 |
Dim extension = extensionsCs(I) |
If InStr(activeDoc, extensionsCs(I)) Then |
indexForActiveFileExtension = I |
extensions = extensionsCs |
Exit For |
End If |
Next |
' Check for error |
If indexForActiveFileExtension = -1 Then |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Could not header flip: don't recognize active file's extension." |
TheStatusBar.Highlight(True) |
Return |
End If |
Dim numExtensions = extensions.GetLength(0) |
Dim numExtensionsToTry = numExtensions - 1 |
Dim switchToDocs(numExtensionsToTry - 1) As String |
' Populate list of filenames to switch to |
Dim activeDocExtLen = Len(extensions(indexForActiveFileExtension)) |
Dim activeDocBase = Left(activeDoc, Len(activeDoc) - activeDocExtLen) |
For I As Integer = 0 To numExtensionsToTry - 1 |
Dim extension = extensions((indexForActiveFileExtension + I + 1) Mod numExtensions) |
switchToDocs(I) = activeDocBase + extension |
Next |
' Try the files: |
For Each switchToDoc As String In switchToDocs |
' Try to switch to already open file (with full path name match) |
If (TrySwitchTo_OpenFile_FullName(activePath + switchToDoc)) Then |
TheStatusBar.Text = "" |
Return |
' Try to open file from projects (with full path name match) |
ElseIf (TrySwitchTo_ProjectFile(activePath + switchToDoc)) Then |
TheStatusBar.Text = "" |
Return |
' Try to open file from disk from same path |
ElseIf (TryOpen(activePath + switchToDoc)) Then |
TheStatusBar.Text = "" |
Return |
' Try to open file from projects (any path) |
ElseIf (TrySwitchTo_ProjectFile(switchToDoc)) Then |
TheStatusBar.Text = "" |
Return |
' Try to switch to already open file (any path) |
ElseIf (TrySwitchTo_OpenFile_Name(switchToDoc)) Then |
TheStatusBar.Text = "" |
Return |
End If |
Next |
TheStatusBar.Text = "Failed to find any file to flip to." |
TheStatusBar.Highlight(True) |
End Sub |
Sub SelectDependentProjects() |
'DESCRIPTION: Step 1 of 2 for setting dependencies on projects |
DependsHelp.SelectedProjects = GetSelectedProjects() |
Dim OutputString As String |
OutputString = DependsHelp.SelectedProjects.Count.ToString |
OutputString += " Selected Projects:" + vbLf |
OutputString += GetStringOfEachProject(DependsHelp.SelectedProjects) |
MsgBox(OutputString) |
End Sub |
Sub SelectDependeeProjects_AssignDependencies() |
'DESCRIPTION: Step 2 of 2 for setting dependencies on projects |
If DependsHelp.SelectedProjects Is Nothing Then |
MsgBox("You must first select projects to have dependencies set on, with SelectDependentProjects macro") |
Return |
End If |
Dim DependentProjs As List(Of EnvDTE.Project) = DependsHelp.SelectedProjects |
Dim DependeeProjs As List(Of EnvDTE.Project) = GetSelectedProjects() |
Dim OutputString As String |
OutputString = "Are you sure you want to set" + vbLf + vbLf |
OutputString += DependentProjs.Count.ToString + " Projects:" + vbLf |
OutputString += GetStringOfEachProject(DependentProjs) + vbLf + vbLf |
OutputString += "As dependent upon" + vbLf + vbLf |
OutputString += DependeeProjs.Count.ToString + " Projects:" + vbLf |
OutputString += GetStringOfEachProject(DependeeProjs) + vbLf + vbLf |
If MsgBox(OutputString, MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel) = MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then |
Return |
End If |
For Each Dependent As EnvDTE.Project In DependentProjs |
For Each Dependee As EnvDTE.Project In DependeeProjs |
Try |
DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.BuildDependencies.Item(Dependent).AddProject(Dependee.UniqueName) |
Catch ex As System.Exception |
Dim Result As Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxResult |
Result = MsgBox("Failed to add dependency: " + vbLf _ |
+ "Dependent: " + Dependent.Name + vbLf _ |
+ "on" + vbLf _ |
+ "Dependee: " + Dependee.Name + vbLf + vbLf _ |
+ "Error is:" + vbLf + ex.Message + vbLf + vbLf _ |
+ "CONTINUE????", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) |
If Result = MsgBoxResult.No Then |
Return |
End If |
End Try |
Next |
Next |
MsgBox("Done.") |
End Sub |
End Module |
Module HeaderFlipHelp |
'DESCRIPTION: Helper functions for HeaderFlip |
'By Vincent Scheib |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Function TrySwitchTo_OpenFile_FullName(ByVal filename As String) As Boolean |
For Each tryDocument As Document In DTE.Documents |
Try |
If tryDocument.FullName = filename Then |
tryDocument.Activate() |
Return True |
End If |
Catch |
End Try |
Next |
Return False |
End Function |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Function TrySwitchTo_OpenFile_Name(ByVal filename As String) As Boolean |
For Each tryDocument As Document In DTE.Documents |
Try |
If tryDocument.Name = filename Then |
tryDocument.Activate() |
Return True |
End If |
Catch |
End Try |
Next |
Return False |
End Function |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Function TrySwitchTo_ProjectFile(ByVal filename As String) As Boolean |
Try |
Dim item As ProjectItem = DTE.Solution.FindProjectItem(filename) |
item.Open() |
item.Document.Activate() |
Return True |
Catch |
End Try |
Return False |
End Function |
'_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Function TryOpen(ByVal filename As String) As Boolean |
Try |
DTE.Documents.Open(filename, "Text") |
Return True |
Catch |
Try |
DTE.ItemOperations.OpenFile(filename) |
Return True |
Catch |
End Try |
End Try |
Return False |
End Function |
End Module |
Public Module DependsHelp |
Public SelectedProjects As List(Of EnvDTE.Project) |
Function GetSelectedProjects() As List(Of EnvDTE.Project) |
Dim projs As List(Of EnvDTE.Project) = New List(Of EnvDTE.Project) |
For Each selectedItem As EnvDTE.SelectedItem In DTE.SelectedItems |
Try ' to get projects |
If Not selectedItem.Project Is Nothing Then |
If Not projs.Contains(selectedItem.Project) Then |
projs.Add(selectedItem.Project) |
End If |
End If |
Catch |
End Try |
Next |
Return projs |
End Function |
Function GetStringOfEachProject(ByVal ProjectsList As List(Of EnvDTE.Project)) As String |
Dim OutputString As String = "" |
For Each proj As EnvDTE.Project In ProjectsList |
If OutputString.Length > 0 Then ' add new line |
OutputString += vbLf |
End If |
OutputString += " " + proj.Name |
Next |
Return OutputString |
End Function |
End Module |