Nicer videos and reports will come later I'm sure [EDIT: Here is high quality video], but for now here's a handheld video of the Pixelated Martini Roller when we ran out of time:
You're an olive. You like martinis. You roll around and get to umbrellas for checkpoints. Sitting in a martini glass gets you a bit tipsy. You've got more energy and can jump higher. But watch out, stay too long and you get sloppy. You'll stagger around, and your jumps won't land you where you want to go.
As you get tipsy the screen gets pixelated (hard to see in this video), and the music sounds like it's had too much to drink too (hard to hear in this video).
Thanks for everyone at the Jam for a good time. Thanks for Michael Noland and Adrienne Walker for working together on this game with me, and Brad for the title screen.
(music by STU, 8bitpeople.com, MyMelody, Creative Commons attribution license)

When do we get to see the real vidoes!